About Us
Oud House | Vietnamese Agarwood Essence
Oud House has succeeded in capturing the quintessence of Vietnamese agarwood, a rare wood with a distinctive scent. Oud House’s talented experts make use of modern extraction methods to create high-quality frankincense essential oils, giving consumers a unique and refined experience.
بيت العود | جوهر العود الفيتنامي
نجح Oud House في التقاط جوهر خشب العود الفيتنامي ، وهو خشب نادر برائحة مميزة. يستفيد خبراء Oud House الموهوبون من طرق الاستخراج الحديثة لإنتاج زيوت أساسية عالية الجودة من اللبان ، مما يمنح المستهلكين تجربة فريدة ومكررة.
Our Service
Provide your company with the best products as well as a comprehensive solution, professional service, fast delivery.
زود شركتك بأفضل المنتجات بالإضافة إلى حل شامل ، خدمة احترافية ، توصيل سريع.
“تكلفة دنيا ، أقصى قدر من الكفاءة”.
Many Years of Experience in Manufacturing and Trading Agarwood.
We have served hundreds of customers and partners across the country and internationally.

Oud - House is proud to be one of the leading Agarwood exporters in Vietnam.
With the desire to bring Vietnamese agarwood products to the world
100% top quality
100% frankincense ingredients
Safety from experts

Take care of the design stage
For everyone's health
Fast, professional, dedicated
Consulting - Quotation
With a team of professional staff who have been trained, confidently perform the profession. Do not hesitate to contact us immediately for advice, detailed quotes for services. CALL NOW HOTLINE FOR FREE CONSULTATION.

I bought a new house, so I need to deodorize the house, I really like it. Now addicted, have to buy and use every day, relieve stress and fatigue after every day coming home from work.
I bought my boss a living room at the company, a nice bag. In addition, the brothers and sisters sent me some agarwood powder to test separately, too’sss, Oud house is forever top!
Used to buy goods to send to the US, that side praised it so much. Hope the shop keeps maintaining such good product quality and service!