Yew wood is one of the unique and rare types of wood in the world. With its distinctive appearance and significant ecological and economic value, it has attracted the attention of nature researchers and protectors.
In this article, Oud House will explore more deeply about yew – from identifying and classifying it to the origin and meaning this tree brings.

What is Yew wood?

This tree is typically medium to large in size, with a trunk that can reach 30 meters or more in height and a trunk diameter of 0.6 to 1 meter or more. The bark is thick and a bit spongy, often gray and cracked along its length. This tree develops aerial roots from lateral roots, can be up to 30 cm tall and grows up to 6-7 meters from the base of the tree. The tree is usually deciduous and has a narrow conical canopy.


An old yew tree

An old yew wood
The leaves of this tree are of two types: on nutritious branches, the leaves are awl-shaped, 0.6 to 1.3 cm long, arranged in 2-3 rows and usually fall in the dry season; On reproductive branches, the leaves are scale-shaped, 0.4 cm long and do not fall. The cones of this tree are monoecious and often grow separately at the tips of the branches.
The female cone of this tree is similar in shape to a pear, each scale carries 2 ovules. After fertilization, these scales become woody and join together at the base, forming a cone structure about 1.8 cm long and 1.2 cm wide. The scales usually have 7-9 triangular points and tend to curve outward. Each scale contains 2 seeds, is egg-shaped, about 13 mm long and 3 mm wide, with the wings pointing downward.
This tree species is facing the risk of extinction in the wild due to overexploitation, especially because its wood is termite-proof, does not warp, has a smooth wood surface, and has a special aroma.

Identifying characteristics of Yew wood

Yew, a plant species listed in the Red Book, currently has many unresolved mysteries in its propagation under experimental conditions, so fructification rarely occurs. The wood of the yew tree is considered a valuable asset, because it is not affected by termites and has an extremely attractive appearance, suitable for use in building temples, houses, and manufacturing. handicrafts and high-end appliances. Yew wood is even more diverse in color and grain quality:

  • In terms of color, it can be dark blue, jade green, purple, yellow, red, or reddish brown.
  • Regarding wood grain, it can be thread grain, banana grain, or sometimes no grain.
Characteristics of Yew wood

The name “yew” or “water pine” comes from the fact that this tree often grows underwater or by water, and it is closely related to many other pine trees. This leads to confusion or deception when purchasing products made from pine instead of yew. However, with regular contact, it becomes easier to recognize yew, because it often has a light fragrance, similar to rotten wood, and always secretes resin, even when it has been processed into products. The value of this wood depends on the quality of the log and the wood grain on it. To distinguish its quality:

  • It must have a high specific gravity, not as light as foam wood.
  • It has beautiful grain, usually a clear thread or banana grain. At the present time, banana veins are popular.
  • Valuable products are usually not grafted much (if they are grafted, they are only grafted on small details that are not too significant).

Feng shui meaning of Yew wood

Yew has a symbolic feng shui value that owners need to understand. An important point that makes Yew valuable is its ability to be associated with the spiritual values and beliefs of the people.
Many people believe that, besides creating idols, water hyacinths and other products from Yew wood, it also brings luck and helps protect the family, and can ward off evil spirits. Yew has spiritual value and it should be respected, this is completely consistent with the philosophy of the Eastern people.

Application of Yew Wood in life

Yew has been widely used in many aspects of life, from furniture making to feng shui decoration. Below are some details about the use of this wood in these fields:


Furniture made from yew wood

High quality furniture: Yew is smooth, termite-proof, and retains its shape and color for a long time. This makes it the top choice for making furniture such as tables, chairs, cabinets and beds. Furniture made from this wood is not only durable but also brings natural beauty and class to the living space.
Custom products: The ability to work with this type of wood delicately and easily cut and grind allows for the creation of custom furniture products. This means you can have furniture designed and made to your liking, perfectly suited to your space and personal style.

Feng shui decorations

Statues and spiritual symbols: Yew is often used to create idols and spiritual symbols in many faiths and religions. The combination of its aesthetics and spiritual value makes it a popular choice for making feng shui decorations, such as family altars or protective statues.
Small jewelry and decorative items: It is also used to make small jewelry and decorative items such as necklaces, bracelets, and other jewelry items. These products often carry feng shui meanings and are considered to bring luck and peace to users.
In general, it is not only a valuable resource but also an important part in creating beautiful and meaningful interiors and feng shui decorative products.


In everyday life, Yew wood is not only a valuable resource but also part of a unique natural heritage. This wood’s ability to combine aesthetics, durability, and spiritual value has made it a source of inspiration and diverse applications in construction, furniture, and feng shui decoration. We have many articles about agarwood for you at oud house.



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