Agarwood bracelets and related products have existed for thousands of years in many different cultures and religions. Among these sacred accessories, agarwood beads have become a spiritual symbol with profound meaning. In fact, these seeds not only have spiritual value but are also considered a tool to help enhance mood and create balance for the soul. In this article, OUD HOUSE will learn more about the meaning of agarwood beads number and the positive impact they bring.

What is an agarwood bracelet?

An agarwood necklace is a type of necklace or bracelet made of beads or pieces of wood containing agarwood. Agarwood is a type of fragrance extracted from the agarwood tree, with a characteristic strong aroma. In many cultures, agarwood is used in religious ceremonies, sacred rituals, and spiritual activities.

Vòng trầm hương là gì?
What is an agarwood ring?

What the meaning of the agarwood beads number is?

The number of agarwood beads has long been considered a sacred symbol in religions such as Samsara, Buddhism, and Christianity. The number and meaning of agarwood beads may vary depending on specific religious beliefs and traditions. But they all carry a profound message of love, positivity, and spiritual connection.

The meaning of agarwood beads number according to feng shui

According to feng shui concepts, the number of beads on an agarwood bracelet or necklace can affect the energy and balance in space. The number of particles is usually chosen carefully to ensure that the energy is activated and spread evenly throughout the medium.

For example, an agarwood bracelet with 108 beads is often considered the ideal number, representing 108 awakenings in Buddhism, and is also an important element in mathematics and astronomy.

The meaning of the agarwood beads number according to Samsara

According to the concept of Samsara, the number of beads on the agarwood bracelet can represent the number of reincarnations of the soul. In  Samsara, for example, the number 108 is considered the number of the final life before attaining liberation. Each time the agarwood wheel is rotated, it is believed that the soul will be freed from previous lives and move closer to final liberation.

Ý nghĩa số hạt vòng trầm hương theo Luân Hồi
The meaning of the number of agarwood beads according to Samsara

The meaning of the agarwood beads number according to Buddhism

In Buddhism, the number of beads on an agarwood bracelet is usually 108, this number is considered a sacred number and has profound meaning. Number 108 is made up of three main elements: 1 represents the great realm without boundaries, o represents emptiness, and 8 represents the eight paths to attain liberation.

The agarwood bracelet with 108 beads also represents 108 awakenings and the concept of wholeness and perfection of life.

The meaning of the agarwood beads number according to Christianity

In Christianity, agarwood bracelets can be used in religious rituals and serve as a symbol of respect and prayer. The number of beads on an agarwood bracelet usually does not have a specific meaning, but the focus is placed on using the agarwood bracelet to express devotion and devotion to God.

Ý nghĩa số hạt vòng trầm hương theo Thiên Chúa Giáo
The meaning of the agarwood beads number according to Christianity

Whether in feng shui, Samsara, Buddhism, or Christianity, the meaning of the agarwood beads number is important and similar in terms of love, purity, and spiritual connection.

They represent cultivating the mind and finding self-realization, protection, and peace from religious principles. By burning incense and cultivating the mind with these agarwood beads, people hope that their spirituality will be purified and they will find peace and progress on their religious path.


In short, the meaning of the agarwood beads number is very important in the concepts of feng shui, Samsara, Buddhism, and Christianity. Although the number of beads may vary, the core meaning is devotion, peace of mind, and interaction with spirituality. The agarwood bracelet is an important symbol, reminding us of the connection between humans and eternity while conveying a message of love, peace, and liberation. Therefore, if you want to experience using agarwood bracelets, you should buy from reliable and quality sources like Oud House.



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