Indian Agarwood essential oil has long captivated the human senses with its captivating aroma and health benefits. Extracted from the resin of the Boswellia tree, this precious oil has been treasured in many different cultures. Let’s learn the secret of this essential oil!
What is Indian agarwood essential oil?
This agarwood essential oil is extracted from the resin of agarwood trees of the Boswellia genus, such as Boswellia frereana, Boswellia carterii, and especially Boswellia serrata.
Boswellia serrata originates from India, has many anti-inflammatory properties and enhances the self-protection ability of cells. Some recent studies also show that it has anti-cancer properties (will be discussed later).
Many people often confuse Indian with Vietnamese agarwood essential oil. But in fact, the Vietnamese product’s main ingredient is the injured part of Aquilaria crassna. Meanwhile, Indian agarwood oil has the main ingredient of the Boswellia serrata plant, also known as frankincense essential oil.
How is Indian agarwood essential oil created?
The first step in obtaining Indian agarwood essential oil is to peel the bark off the tree trunk with a knife – a laborious task. Then, milky white sap will flow from the cuts, gradually solidifying over the following days.
These solidified agarwood blocks will be scraped off and then ground into a fine powder before steam distillation. During steam distillation, the vapor produced is cooled through a condenser, causing the oil to separate and float to the surface. People will separate this oil layer to form frankincense essential oil.
Is Indian agarwood essential oil good for health?
Although it does not bring spiritual benefits like Vietnamese agarwood essential oil, agarwood essential oil originating from India also brings unexpected health benefits.
Anti-inflammatory, pain reliever, arthritis support
Recent scientific studies have shown that it is effective in treating inflammatory conditions such as arthritis because it reduces the inflammatory response. The acids in frankincense essential oil inhibit the production of enzymes that cause inflammation. The anti-inflammatory effects of essential oils can also help ease a patient’s pain.
Agarwood essential oil from India is also popular with massage therapists for use with clients suffering from muscle and joint pain, especially stiffness in the morning.
Supports oral and respiratory health
The acids this essential oil provides have strong antibacterial properties, which can help prevent and treat mouth infections. Additionally, it relaxes the muscles between the ribs, so you can increase your chest capacity, helping your lungs expand more and breathe deeper.
It also slows down your breathing, which is helpful for mild asthma patients. But to be sure about the correct usage, consult your doctor.
Supports the immune system, has the ability to prevent cancer
Research has shown that agarwood oil can strengthen your immune system, helping you fight bacteria, viruses, and even some types of cancer more effectively.
A 2015 study found that breast cancer cells can stop growing and die when exposed to agarwood essential oil. Researchers concluded that incorporating this essential oil into the treatment process saves costs and time compared to other methods.
Relax your mind, reduce stress and depression
If you are looking for a natural way to reduce stress and improve your mood, frankincense essential oil is a good choice. Using agarwood essential oil from Indian helps stimulate the release of oxytocin to reduce the amount of cortisol hormone – a hormone that causes feelings of stress and anxiety.
It is also known to relax the intercostal muscles, allowing you to breathe deeper and slower, which will also calm you down. Adding a few drops to your diffuser before bed will help relax and calm you, ready for a good night’s sleep.
Beautify skin, anti-aging
Indian Agarwood essential oil helps balance sebum production in your skin, helping to clear acne while hydrating dry skin. Mix this essential oil with another carrier oil (for example, coconut oil) and apply to the skin to reduce irritation and acne.
Agarwood essential oil is also effective in reducing wrinkles because it speeds up cell regeneration and slows down photochemical damage. Additionally, this oil has long been used to help heal cuts and wounds and fade skin imperfections (like newly formed scars).
Use Indian agarwood essential oil properly
The simplest and most popular way is to put a few drops into an essential oil diffuser or lamp and enjoy its pleasant aroma. Or else, you can add a few drops to the bath and soak for 15 to 30 minutes.
If used on skin, you need to mix essential oil with another carrier oil to reduce irritation, especially for sensitive skin. Then massage the mixture on your face for about 10 minutes and rinse with water.
For massage, you also need to combine it with another oil (for example, olive oil), massage and leave overnight. If you have pain in your foot joints, you can combine essential oils with warm water to soak your feet. Additionally, you can incorporate it into scented candles, perfumes, soaps, and more.
Indian agarwood essential oil is considered a timeless gift from nature, bringing countless benefits to our health. To fully experience these wonders, you need to choose a trustworthy supplier with genuine products. With Oud House, you can rest assured that you will receive agarwood products of the highest standards.
Contact us: +84 866 033 099
زيت العود الهندي الأساسي: هدية لا تقدر بثمن من الطبيعة
لقد أسر زيت العود الهندي الأساسي حواس الإنسان منذ فترة طويلة برائحته الجذابة وفوائده الصحية. تم استخراج هذا الزيت الثمين من راتنج شجرة البوسويليا، وقد تم تقديره في العديد من الثقافات المختلفة. دعونا نتعلم سر هذا الزيت العطري!
ما هو زيت العود الهندي الأساسي؟
كيف يتم إنشاء زيت العود الهندي الأساسي؟
هل زيت العود الهندي الأساسي مفيد للصحة؟
على الرغم من أنه لا يجلب فوائد روحية مثل زيت العود الأساسي الفيتنامي، إلا أن زيت العود الأساسي القادم من الهند يجلب أيضًا فوائد صحية غير متوقعة.
مضاد للالتهابات، ومسكن للآلام، ودعم التهاب المفاصل
يدعم صحة الفم والجهاز التنفسي
يدعم جهاز المناعة، وله القدرة على الوقاية من مرض السرطان
استرخِ عقلك، وقلل من التوتر والاكتئاب
تجميل البشرة، ومكافحة الشيخوخة
استخدم زيت العود الهندي الأساسي بشكل صحيح
يعتبر زيت العود الهندي العطري هدية خالدة من الطبيعة، مما يجلب فوائد لا حصر لها لصحتنا. لتجربة هذه العجائب بشكل كامل، تحتاج إلى اختيار مورد جدير بالثقة يقدم منتجات أصلية. مع Oud House، يمكنك أن تطمئن إلى أنك سوف تحصل على منتجات العود بأعلى المعايير.