OUD HOUSE high quality agarwood essential oil is always the top choice of customers in choosing their favorite perfume. Besides, they are also used in medicine to reduce pain and fatigue. Agarwood essential oil has a unique fragrance but always brings a comfortable and soothing experience to consumers. So what is high quality agarwood essential oil and what are its uses?

What kind of product is high quality agarwood essential oil?
Agarwood essential oil has long been a product loved and appreciated by many customers. It is like a precious medicine that brings consumers wonderful experiences. To be able to produce agarwood essential oil, OUD HOUSE has implemented the steam distillation method and the resin extraction process from the oil-stained Aquilaria tree.
When the Aquilaria tree goes through the accumulation stage, the sap flowing in the wood will turn dark and give off an extremely gentle scent. Agarwood essential oil has a very high value because not all Aquilaria trees have the ability to accumulate agarwood.
Besides, they also need to spend many years to grow and develop. Currently, high quality agarwood essential oil also contains many ingredients such as Agarol, α-agarofurans, Aquillochin, β-agarofurans, Jinkoho, Agarospirol, Jinkohol-eremol and many other chemical ingredients.
OUD HOUSE produces high quality agarwood essential oil with high technology and does not use fragrances or other additives. Therefore, the scent of this product is very fresh, gentle and brings an extremely refreshing feeling. Agarwood essential oil is a product with very diverse uses, always giving consumers confidence.

Discover some useful uses of high quality agarwood essential oil
Agarwood essential oils are always favored and appreciated by consumers because they have very useful uses. Not only is it produced to make perfume or used in medicine, but agarwood essential oil is also used for many different purposes. Below are some useful uses of agarwood essential oil.
Agarwood essential oil helps relieve pain and soothe joint pain
Agarwood essential oil is also used as a pain reliever. They will treat joint pain and aching limbs. High quality agarwood essential oil has anti-inflammatory properties, so this is the top choice of consumers when treating arthritis. Besides, agarwood essential oil can also be processed with many different essential oils such as sunflower oil or coconut oil.
Relax your mind, help blood circulate easily after tiring work
Agarwood essential oil is highly appreciated for its scent. With a cool, gentle, sweet scent, agarwood essential oil always brings a feeling of relaxation and comfort. Besides, this product also helps blood circulate easily and improves mental state. Furthermore, leaving essential oils in the room will increase the homeowner’s ability to concentrate on work.
Treat different types of acne, care for skin
Not only does it help relax and relieve aches and pains, agarwood essential oil also has skin care benefits. Agarwood essential oil is also popular with consumers, especially women, in terms of skin care. They will soothe sunburned skin and insect bites.
Besides, high quality agarwood essential oil at OUD HOUSE also has the ability to treat acne and reduce sagging or aging skin. This is a product that every woman should own.
Treats and reduces allergic diseases
With a pleasant, slightly sweet scent, agarwood essential oil will treat allergic diseases such as itchy eyes, cough, runny nose, sneezing, etc. This product will soothe allergic diseases, bringing comfortable and pleasant feeling for consumers. This is the natural medicine that any home should have to ensure the health of family members.

OUD HOUSE high quality agarwood essential oil is a product manufactured with extremely modern technology and tested by today’s leading experts. This is a product produced with natural ingredients and ensures absolute safety for consumers. A high quality product always creates great trust for customers.
Contact us: +84 866 033 099
Email: oudhouse.tiger@gmail.com
زيت العود العطري عالي الجودة – منتج فعال لاسترخاء العقل
يعتبر زيت العود العطري عالي الجودة من OUD HOUSE دائمًا الخيار الأفضل للعملاء في اختيار العطور المفضلة لديهم. إلى جانب ذلك، يتم استخدامها أيضًا في الطب لتقليل الألم والتعب. يتمتع زيت العود العطري برائحة فريدة من نوعها ولكنه يجلب دائمًا تجربة مريحة ومهدئة للمستهلكين. إذن ما هو زيت العود الأساسي عالي الجودة وما هي استخداماته؟
ما هو نوع المنتج الذي يعتبر زيت العود العطري عالي الجودة؟
علاج أنواع مختلفة من حب الشباب، والعناية بالبشرة
يعالج ويقلل من أمراض الحساسية
مع رائحة لطيفة وحلوة قليلاً، سيعالج زيت العود الأساسي أمراض الحساسية مثل حكة العين والسعال وسيلان الأنف والعطس وما إلى ذلك. هذا المنتج سوف يهدئ أمراض الحساسية، مما يجلب شعورًا مريحًا وممتعًا للمستهلكين. هذا هو الدواء الطبيعي الذي يجب أن يتوفر في أي منزل لضمان صحة أفراد الأسرة.