A little about backflow frankincense buds
For those of you who like the feeling of relaxation and comfort with a spiritual inclination, you will surely know about products related to frankincense. In which, backflow frankincense buds combined with smoke waterfall holder is one of the extremely elegant pleasures of writers and amateurs.

Structure of backflow frankincense buds
Frankincense buds are produced from finely ground agarwood powder mixed with an adhesive mixture to form a mold. Incense buds will usually have a cone shape and are used mainly for incense. In addition, they will also be used with the smoke waterfall holder or can be placed in porcelain censer.
This is a fairly common type of incense and brings a lot of uses such as to steam the house or to purify the space when moving to a new office. Especially, incense is a very good product for health, creating a feeling of relaxation and comfort to help blood circulation easier. According to spirituality, incense buds also help homeowners attract fortune and bring good luck at work.
Combined with the smoke waterfall holder
Smoke waterfall incense holder is a super beautiful combination with frankincense buds to create a beautiful work that is backflow frankincense buds. This is considered a small landscape of great significance in terms of feng shui. Some holders can be mentioned such as: Buddha’s hand, meditating little boy… All are extremely sophisticatedly designed to always bring luxury to your home.
How to use this product is also very simple when users just need to burn frankincense bud and place it on the top of the holder, it will immediately create a backflow effect. Smoke will flow down through the holes designed to create an extremely impressive scene.
Revealing 3 extremely interesting things about backflow frankincense buds
Perhaps the backflow frankincense buds are not too strange for many people, but not everyone is clear about the meanings they bring. Here we will reveal to you 3 very interesting things about this product.
Why frankincense buds give off backflow smoke
According to physics, when an object is burned, it will create a stream of smoke that rises into the air. However, the frankincense buds give off backflow smoke. Simply because this type of frankincense buds is produced by raw materials of agarwood powder.
Inside the agarwood powder contains a large amount of essential oil, so when the user burns, the smoke will also radiate around. At that time, the smoke of frankincense will carry the oil of agarwood, which will be heavy in the air. Therefore, frankincense buds will emit bright white smoke and radiate downwards.

About feng shui aspect
Especially in feng shui, frankincense buds emit smoke backwards to bring good luck to the homeowner. The meaning of the five elements in the ancient concept was considered extremely important. In it, water or flow is considered an extremely lucky element.
The flow of frankincense buds is likened to the embodiment of luck, success in work and favorable things in life. It is these things that will bring the owner money and status.
Also for this reason, usually when building a house or building a new office, it is often recommended to use backflow incense buds. This product not only brings high aesthetics and uniqueness, but also has a great meaning in terms of feng shui.
Bring good health
For a long time, the ancients discovered that agarwood smoke is very good for health, they bring many uses and are considered as a precious medicine. People not only enjoy the scent of this precious wood, but more than to help us have good health.
Agarwood smoke will help the body circulate blood, especially the use of keeping the body warm to avoid cold air. Besides, this product also helps users to relax their mind after stressful working hours to help refresh their mind and reduce stress. In addition, the scent of backflow frankincense buds will also help users sleep deeper and more soundly.

Through this article of OUD House, we hope to provide you with the necessary information about the backflow frankincense buds. Especially this is a product that is both meaningful in terms of feng shui and gives users good health, people should not ignore.
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Email: oudhouse.tiger@gmail.com
الأشياء المثيرة للاهتمام حول براعم اللبان ذات التدفق العكسي
تعد براعم اللبان ذات التدفق العكسي دائمًا المنتج الأكثر مبيعًا في السوق. يشتهر هذا المنتج بصورة الدخان المقلوب الغامضة التي تثير فضول اللاعبين بشأنها. خاصة عند دمجه مع حامل شلال الدخان، فإنه سيخلق صورة جميلة للغاية، مما يخلق شعورًا نقيًا جدًا.
قليلا عن براعم اللبان ارتجاعي
لأولئك منكم الذين يحبون الشعور بالاسترخاء والراحة مع النزعة الروحية، بالتأكيد ستتعرفون على المنتجات المتعلقة باللبان. حيث تعد براعم اللبان ذات التدفق العكسي مع حامل شلال الدخان إحدى المتع الأنيقة للغاية للكتاب والهواة.
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الكشف عن 3 أشياء مثيرة للاهتمام للغاية حول براعم اللبان ذات التدفق العكسي
ربما لا تكون براعم اللبان ذات التدفق العكسي غريبة جدًا بالنسبة للعديد من الأشخاص، ولكن ليس الجميع واضحًا بشأن المعاني التي تحملها. سنكشف لك هنا 3 أشياء مثيرة جدًا للاهتمام حول هذا المنتج.
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