Agarwood necklace is a sophisticated piece of accessory crafted from mother nature’s treasure – agarwood. Carrying a rustic beauty but containing countless subtleties of creation, these necklaces are likened to strings that attract the luck of the universe, those who own them will have luck and peace. safe in health. Agarwood products from OUD House will bring a wonderful experience to you.
What is a agarwood necklace?
Agarwood necklaces are crafted from the rarest plants, agarwood carries the breath of time, fully converging the aura of the sacred heaven and earth. After many stages of crafting by the skillful hands of artisans, new agarwood beads are formed.
Necklaces made from agarwood have a rustic, simple beauty but with inner value, the hidden beauty that we enjoy for ourselves is special. Containing a bit of nature’s gentleness and peace, the agarwood necklace brings users abundant positive energy and peace in health.
Popular types of agarwood necklaces
Understanding the increasing tastes of agarwood lovers, artisans have designed countless agarwood accessory products. Only about necklaces, Oud House launches the three most popular products on the market to satisfy its loyal customers.
Chain agarwood necklace
The chain-shaped necklace is created with extremely deep hidden spiritual and feng shui meanings. With a simple, rustic appearance, this model is commonly used by people who love agarwood in work and life with the hope of attracting luck and positivity.
At the same time, they are also used as a “sedative”, helping the soul relax and feel at peace.
Agarwood necklace in pieces
Necklaces are mainly carved into Buddha shapes by artisans to bring peace and luck. Only after going through the process of finding agarwood to choose the best quality piece of original agarwood.
Without elaborate carving, the “sculptors” want to keep the agarwood surface as rustic and close to nature as possible. That’s why the incense will be the purest, warmest and bring peace to each person’s soul.
Agarwood necklace wrapped in jewelry
This type of necklace not only brings peace, it is also a sophisticated and luxurious piece of jewelry that helps the user affirm their social status. The delicate beauty covered in gold, silver, jade and precious stones makes them even more precious and unique.
Outstanding uses of agarwood necklace
As a piece of jewelry crystallized from the essence and aura of heaven and earth, agarwood necklace also possesses countless other useful uses for their owners.
Peace for health
Crafted from pure agarwood, the necklace is also considered a health elixir. Agarwood beads rub together to create a faint, gentle scent that helps users relax, calm down and reduce stress in life.
The agarwood necklace also has the effect of repelling wind and radiating heat to keep the body warm. In addition, experts on agarwood also recommend wearing it near the heart to support and increase the owner’s body’s resistance.
Feng shui benefits
According to feng shui concepts, the agarwood necklace is carved with an image of Buddha, so it has the effect of bringing peace. Moreover, users can also choose different types of necklace in terms of the amount of beads. In this way, the necklace will help users attract prosperity and be more comfortable and relaxed.
Agarwood is also a plant with a very wonderful meaning. Necklace made from agarwood also has the ability to ward off evil spirits, purify impurities and attract positive energy and luck to the wearer.
Exquisite accessory
Agarwood necklaces are considered to be accessory with high aesthetic value. Although the appearance is rustic and simple, hidden within them is a delicate beauty that only those who truly understand can feel.
With the luxurious and noble beauty of the necklaces carved with precious stones, it helps express trendy fashion style, and is also a symbol of class and affirms the position of the user.
Above is a summary of extremely detailed information about the agarwood necklace as well as its classification and the wonderful effects it brings to the wearer. If you are wondering where to buy a reputable and quality agarwood necklace, OUD House is a great choice for you, here we are committed to bringing you options with the most competitive quality and prices on the market.
Contact us: +84 866 033 099
قلادة خشب العود – قمة إكسسوار فنغ شوي
قلادة العود هي قطعة إكسسوار متطورة مصنوعة من كنز الطبيعة الأم – خشب العود. تحمل هذه القلائد جمالًا ريفيًا ولكنها تحتوي على عدد لا يحصى من التفاصيل الدقيقة للإبداع، وتشبه الخيوط التي تجذب حظ الكون، وسيحظى من يمتلكها بالحظ والسلام. آمنة في الصحة. منتجات العود من OUD House ستجلب لك تجربة رائعة.
ما هو قلادة العود؟
الأنواع الشعبية من قلادات العود
من خلال فهم الأذواق المتزايدة لمحبي العود، قام الحرفيون بتصميم عدد لا يحصى من منتجات إكسسوارات العود. فقط فيما يتعلق بالقلائد، تطلق دار العود المنتجات الثلاثة الأكثر شعبية في السوق لإرضاء عملائها الأوفياء.
سلسلة قلادة من خشب العود
قلادة العود في القطع
يتم نحت القلائد بشكل أساسي على أشكال بوذا من قبل الحرفيين لجلب السلام والحظ. فقط بعد إجراء عملية العثور على خشب العود، يمكنك اختيار أفضل قطعة من خشب العود الأصلي.
بدون نحت متقن، يريد “النحاتون” الحفاظ على سطح خشب العود ريفيًا وقريبًا من الطبيعة قدر الإمكان. ولهذا السبب سيكون البخور أنقى وأدفأ ويجلب السلام لروح كل إنسان.
قلادة من خشب العود ملفوفة بالمجوهرات
هذا النوع من القلادة لا يجلب السلام فحسب، بل هو أيضًا قطعة مجوهرات راقية وفاخرة تساعد المستخدم على تأكيد مكانته الاجتماعية. الجمال الرقيق المغطى بالذهب والفضة واليشم والأحجار الكريمة يجعلها أكثر قيمة وفريدة من نوعها.
يوجد أعلاه ملخص للمعلومات التفصيلية للغاية حول قلادة خشب العود بالإضافة إلى تصنيفها والتأثيرات الرائعة التي تجلبها لمرتديها. إذا كنت تتساءل عن مكان شراء قلادة من خشب العود ذات السمعة الطيبة والجودة، فإن OUD House هو خيار رائع بالنسبة لك، ونحن هنا ملتزمون بتقديم خيارات لك بجودة وأسعار أكثر تنافسية في السوق.