Agarwood incense burners are sought after and used by many agarwood lovers. To be able to enjoy the fragrance of agarwood, an agarwood burning tool is indispensable. So what types of agarwood burning tools are there and how to choose the right one? Let’s find out with OUD HOUSE in the article below!

Popular types of agarwood incense burners

Agarwood incense has long become a familiar item in the beliefs of the Vietnamese people. When burning incense, the smell of incense spreads throughout the space, bringing a feeling of relaxation, helping to dispel evil spirits, and bringing luck to the family.

In order for agarwood scent to drift far and retain for a long time, agarwood burning tools play a very important role. Currently, agarwood enthusiasts mainly use the following products:

Cone incense burners – The most popular agarwood incense burner

Cone incense burners are one of the most widely used agarwood burning tools, made from many materials such as ceramics, copper, wood, etc. Ceramic burners are most popular because of their high aesthetics and are easy to clean.

Lư xông trầm - Dụng cụ đốt trầm thông dụng nhất hiện nay
Cone incense burners – The most popular agarwood incense burner

Gourd-shaped incense burning tools 

The gourd-shaped agarwood burner is an item specifically for incense sticks with and without the core. These types of burners are usually quite compact, about the size of a finger.

To increase the durability of the product, these agarwood incense burners will be made from metal, with a gold or copper coating on the outside to increase aesthetics. At the top of the gourd, there will be a small hole to insert incense sticks to burn. Usage is very simple and convenient.

Coffin burners – An elegant and convenient incense burner

Coffin Burners are often compactly designed, so homeowners can easily carry them anywhere. This incense burner is usually made from solid wood, and the lid is engraved with a unique pattern. Therefore, homeowners can place it on their desks, cars, or living rooms to increase aesthetics.

Backflow incense burners – A hobby for agarwood connoisseurs

The backflow incense burner is favored by many agarwood connoisseurs because of the aesthetics it brings. Unlike other agarwood incense burners, they are made entirely by hand with extremely meticulous lines. Under the hands of artisans, they are extremely diverse in design, bringing different feng shui and spiritual meanings to the homeowner.

The special feature of the backflow incense burner is that the agarwood bud will create a winding waterfall of smoke flowing from top to bottom, extremely beautiful. The smoke of agarwood is both beautiful and unreal, combined with a gentle, mellow fragrance that will help the homeowner calm, reduce stress and fatigue very effectively. Not only does it have the effect of perfuming the house or attracting luck, agarwood smoke waterfall is also a pleasure for agarwood connoisseurs.

Thác khói trầm hương - Thú chơi của người sành trầm
Backflow incense burners – A hobby for agarwood connoisseurs

Some notes to remember when choosing an incense burner

Each type of incense burner will have different uses. Therefore, when choosing to buy agarwood incense burners, you need to keep in mind the following issues:

Choose an incense burner according to your type of incense

Incense is currently processed into many types of products such as coreless incense sticks, incense sticks with core, incense buds, etc. Depending on the structure and function of each type, you need to choose the appropriate incense burner.

For example, if you are using incense without a core, you should choose a brass incense burner or a Gourd-shaped one. If you use incense buds, you should choose backflow incense burners to increase aesthetics.

Choose the material of the incense burner

You may not know, but the material of the burner also greatly affects the fragrance of incense. Therefore, you need to consider choosing suitable materials and agarwood incense burners.

Nowadays, agarwood connoisseurs often prefer incense burners made from ceramic, wood, copper, etc. These materials are usually easy to clean, hygienic, and highly durable, so they can be used for a long time.

Một số lưu ý cần nhớ khi chọn dụng cụ đốt nhang trầm
Some notes to remember when choosing an incense burner

Pay attention to the design of the incense burner

For agarwood connoisseurs, besides material, design is an extremely important factor. Currently, incense burners are designed extremely beautifully, meticulously each line carries different spiritual and feng shui meanings.


Above are the most commonly used agarwood incense burners as well as how to choose the right incense burner. Hopefully, through this article, you will understand more about the joy of incense and become an agarwood connoisseur in the near future!



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